luni, 28 decembrie 2015

Belagines (beautiful) Laws of the Dacians. Belagines exists today

The arch of time.
If the documents written about Pelasgians Daco-Romanians, Valahi (Wallachians), were lost or intentionally destroyed, if the monuments, buildings were destroyed, the language remains the most reliable source of information and the most conservative.
An Union like Dacia, as advanced in multiple knowledge like physics, logic, astronomy, medicine, surgery, etc., could not be better organized than respecting and following the laws of the Pelasgians (Carpatho – Danubian inhabitats).
Jordanes entrusts us that Deceneu “made them live by the laws of nature; transcribing these laws, they are preserved until today, as the belagines.”.
Given that the text of Jordanes quoted laws is transcribed, belagines is a word composed Thracian-Dacian and can be translated as Beautiful Laws (belle + leagines), as Beledina means beautiful fortress.
This text of the rules of law has been interpreted differently by Neigebaur, J.F. which said that in 84 B.C., “Dacians under the King Burebista, Deceneus introduces writing, and also the arts and the sciences, both make laws, called Bellagine” although they were older.
Belagines Laws were much older than Burebista. Lamblichos entrusts us that they have been written by Zamolxis, after he have learned and convinced they that “the soul is immortal“, “he wrote the laws”.
Diodorus of Sicily says that “the so-called Getae, who believe themselves immortal, Zamolxis claimed that he came in contact with the Goddess Hestia” from which he received the Beautiful Laws. Belaginele must be in connection with Plato and Socrates’s finding that “epodele are beautiful words that are to born the wisdom in the souls of humans.” They must be put in touch with “the law of hospitality”, the ” duties law of each member of the community” , “humanity law”, summarized in “custom of the land” known to neighbors as “jus valachicum” or “ancestral law” dating back to the “laws and customs”, as found by Mihai Eminescu.

Zamolxis. The beginnings of the paternal laws and the defense of truth. 
Belagines – 30th law.
Etymology of Belagine Laws
Some researchers propose that etymology of Belanus = the good (law) and Ginus=novice, so can be translated The Laws of the Beginning.
Can be considered also that the lexemes Belagines is a word composed of two terms: pelasgus and gentes (gens-gentis meaning people, race).
In different conditions, before the phonetic evolution, can be interpreted the same lexeme of Pelasgian language composed by two words “pelasgus” and “gentis” means – “the Pelasgian race.”
In antiquity it was known as LEGES P(b)ELAG(e), Pelasgian People Law (Iordanes – “Getica c.11 – Belagines).
The time lost through unused, the term “leges” and its meaning to lexemes Belagines integrated. The word once revealed, is another link in the chain length continuity and Vlachs.
If Pelasgians are Vlachs (Wallachians/Valahi) and Belagine are Vlachs Laws, then the most direct conclusion is that Belagines are Vlachs Laws, than Belagines are the proof of the continuity of ancient Vlachs in history.
Demonstration of lexemes Belagines phonetic evolution, says that an additional argument that the Vlachs, despised by some ignorants or malicious, are the direct ancestors the noble Pelasgians, creators of a civilization that has become worldwide.
Dionysius Exigul, dac (465-545), who founded the Christian Calendar, was introducing to us Era after the Christ, the head of the Synodal United Church of Contantinopole Archives “was having in the library The Belagines” (N. Dură, ” Străromânul Dionysius Exigul and his work, “rev.” Ortodoxia “1979, p 7). Philosopher, journalist, astrologer, poet and great didactic, moralist was it. Dionysius Exigul kept the communication with the Dacians from back home. Knowing well the moral law, the basis laws from where the Dacians lived, he expanded their importance, and values the oral traditions, he formed a ‘body of laws’ that he commented and imposed them to the faithful, and among servants priests.
These laws have been kept by the followers, the historical documents are called Jus Walachie in Banat, in Transylvania, Valachia (Ţara Românească/Muntenia/Wallachia) and Moldova Lex Vlachorum or Jus et Consuetudo, in Hungary – Antiqua Valachorum Lex et Consuetudo sau Mos Valachorum. In Poland it is called Jus Valachorum (N. Densusianu. Op cit. P 879).
As the “Pelasgians” are called Vlachs (“Wallachian”), it is clear that the old laws were maintained uninterrupted and that neighbors were aware of the age and origin of Vlachs and their laws, which they called Antiqua or Vetus.
Tacitus (Ann. 27) states that the decemviri (Lat., = ten men, in ancient Rome, a group of 10 people appointed to a special judicial or executive capacity), urged by the Senate, made a draft law to the Romans, “gathering from all sides, where they could find something good.”
Servius (Aen. VII 695) says the same decemviri took from the falisci, “a population of shepherds, group BELACI – velahi, emigrated from the Carpathian region and of Istria, settled in Etruria, hundreds of legal stipulations and have taken some to supplement more the “Table XII.”
In XVI and XVII century, the Fagaras still register Valachorum Lex Antiqua.
N. Densusianu, from a comparison between them and the Roman laws caught in the “XII Table”, both written in Latin, states that are identical and concludes that “Tabulele” is a compilation “and that the Times Code of Pelasgian are Belagines Leges, in the Middle Eve called Lex Antiqua Valachorum, or Jus Valachie present in Asia and Eastern Europe. “(N. Densusianu “Prehistoric Dacia ” page 903.).
Plato (Critias, II, 259) confirm this fact by saying that “the kingdom of Atheas, who had ruled over hiperboreens in northern Thrace, have been the oldest laws of divine origin, letters on a bronze column”.
After the occupation of Dacia in 106 AD, the union disappears, a small part of the natives working with new owners, only those related mainly administrative.
The great mass retires, led by nobles and priests initiated, in the mountains.
They are organized, applying old laws in different conditions. The main way that works is the communities, which will remain in some areas rather late, because they are basic cell of founding principalities and voivodate.
Since the “Pact” proposed by the dacian revolt in 117 e.n. talks about the rights of these “community”, shows that Roman law did not apply for dacians organized by “gens” laws.
Belaginele become Habit Earth Laws. Community leaders were usually elders, “depositors” of the ancient laws. Elders were appointed and wise, and so the congregation was led by Elders Council “.
Transmitted from generation to generation by word of mouth, they are guiding the community life, and their power to influence gains ground strength, bearing the name of “ordinances”.
The most important law was considered non-alienation of the land of a “nation” as for an institution made up of members having related by blood, that they were part of communities.
Jordanes said in sec. VI – “Belaginele exists today”. They must be found through giving, by removing prejudices, and, especially, by opening what give us: myths, customs, and traditions, oral traditions, and, especially, language.
“Superior civilization of the Pelasgians, whose roots go up in myths, organized by laws flexible, realistic and time for improvement, provided the evolution of all mankind.
Immersing us deep time, we hear the distant echoes of the ancestors, who have perished, but it was immortalized and we were immortalized by their melodious language and the beauty of laws, which united them with the Sky and kept them straight on Earth.” Prof. Maria Ciornei

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